ATR-FT-IR spectra of different pure inorganic and organic pigments
ATR-FT-IR spectra were recorded using a Thermo Scientific Nicolet 6700 FT-IR spectrometer with a “Smart Orbit” diamond micro-ATR accessory in mid-IR and far-IR regions: 4000-225 cm-1 (with DLaTGS detector and CsI beamsplitter).
WHITE PIGMENTS Lead white ; Lithopone ; Titanium white ; Zinc white YELLOW PIGMENTS Amberg yellow ; Barium yellow ; Cadmium yellow ; Cadmium yellow, lemon ; Chrome yellow ; Indian yellow imitation ; Italian Gold ochre, light ; Massicot ; Naples yellow ; Orpiment ; Permanent yellow light ; Satin ochre ; Spinel yellow ; Strontium yellow ; Sun yellow (spinel) ; Terra di Sienna raw ; Yellow ochre ORANGE PIGMENTS Iron-oxide orange ; Orange DPP RA, PO 73 ; Spinel Orange RED PIGMENTS Alizarine ; Alizarine Crimson Dark ; Cadmium red, No. 1 light ; Caput Mortuum reddish ; Carmine red ; Cinnabar ; English red ; English red light ; Indian red ; Lake red ; Natural red earth ; Pompei red ; Purpurin ; Quinacridone Red Magenta, PV 19 ; Red DPP BO, PR 254 ; Red lead ; Red ochre from South Estonia ; Ruby DPP TR, PR 264 ; Sienna red ; Venetian red BLUE PIGMENTS Anthraquinone Blue, PB 60 ; Azurite ; Blue Bice ; Cobalt blue ; Cobalt blue dark ; Cobalt Cerulean Blue ; Cobalt Blue Turquoise light ; Egyptian blue ; Indigo, natural ; Indigo, synthetic ; Indigotine blue (dye) ; Lapis lazuli ; Prussian blue ; Smalt ; Spinel blue ; Spinel turquoise ; Ultramarine blue ; Vivianite VIOLET PIGMENTS Caput Mortuum violet ; Cobalt Violet, dark ; Manganese Violet ; Ultramarine violet GREEN PIGMENTS Atacamite, standard ; Bohemian green earth ; Cadmium Green, light ; Chromium oxide green ; Chrysocolla ; Cobalt green ; Cobalt Green bluish A ; Emerald green light ; Indigo Green ; Malachite, natural ; Malachite, synthetic ; Phthalo green deep ; Raw umber greenish, dark ; Spinel Green ; Vagone green earth ; Verdigris, synthetic ; Viridian green BROWN PIGMENTS Brown ochre ; Burnt umber ; Fawn ochre BLACK PIGMENTS Bone black ; Ivory black ; Mars black